
Visual Identity
Creative Direction
CG & Animation
Visual Design
Print & Packaging

GO: Gemini Onboarding

Gemini is a cryptocurrency exchange, wallet, and custodian that makes it simple and secure to buy, sell and store digital assets. As they experienced rapid growth and scale; Gemini came to us to help them create an internal identity and streamlined onboarding experience for new employees.

The task was to create a system that reflects the company culture and internal space theme without neglecting the existing logo. The visual language we created is centered around retro-future space. We created a badge system with the current logo while creating a new visual language through illustration, typography, color, and animation.

For the internal color we chose a High Viz Orange which is the direct compliment of the external facing Gemini Cyan. The orange also ties into the companies internal space theme as it is commonly used by NASA for astronaut flight suits.
Employee NFTs
One of the first companies to create generative NFT badges unique to each employee. Gemini is a leader in the crypto & blockchain space, so it was important to introduce new employees to the technology first hand – by minting an NFT. For many of the employees, this would be their first interaction with a blockchain, so we created a step-by-step guide to walk them through the process.

We deconstructed the logo down to its core shapes to create a generator that allows employees the ability to randomize pattern and color. The pattern also serves as part of the design language, echoing the principles of cryptography and encryption.
Year: 2021/22

Client: Gemini

Creative Team: Lucas Hearl & Frank Guzzone

Exec Producer: Nicole Knight

Gemini Team: Ty Saunders, Rich Smith, Nick Steele, Marcus Skala, Kelsey Korhummel

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